
Friday, August 26, 2011

When Dresses become Shirts and Shirts become Pants


I am wearing a very festive all gray outfit. The shirt-dress is the same one seen in Black and Blue. I flopped the front of the dress over one shoulder to create a drapy shirt look, exposing the button up underneath. The shirt is a hand-me-down from my grandmother, the belt is another hand-me-down, and the shoes are vintage from Reminiscence in New York. The bag is a simple canvas tote that I got for free from my school in Florence. Legs are my own.

The belt is very long and loops around my waist twice, giving the illusion of two belts.

Don't look too closely at my legs - as Oscar Wilde once said: "Me and the mosquitos are fighting a duel to the death, one of us has to go". (fine, that isn't really a picture of Oscar Wilde and the quote isn't too accurate - but you get the gist)

The coat that will soon be mine. Muahahahaha!!!! I'm the wolf in Riding Hood's jacket, if you couldn't tell. (A.N.G.E.L.O.- vintage store in Florence)

The Allerator:

This is not a shirt. (as Magritte pointed out)

"These are pants". I explain to Godzilla

Strange and wonderful things happen when you put your legs where they're not supposed to go. Well that's what I did, one hot Thursday morning. And, well, I think it turned out pretty well!

For a winter look, you can pair these with a plaid shirt and suit jacket. It looks

It's just out of this world! I think David Bowie would be proud. Oh dear god(zilla)...I need some ground control.
shirt/pants are Norma Kamali, button-down is boy's Gap, suit jacket is H&M, T-shirt is Patafisic, and shoes are Payless.

Here are just a few pictures of our painting that is in progress (to show you that we're completely normal):

Good day.

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